Here I've laid out and roughed out a joint in the apron, which will accept a leg. The joint is a bridle joint with sliding dovetail. It's all hand work from here.
Leg to Apron Joinery
With the leg mortises cut, I'm now working on the sliding dovetails on the legs. Lots of careful handwork. My setup isn't super fancy, no bells or whistles, but it works.
In Time Awarded Honorable Mention
In Time, this curvy clock made of figured cherry and rosewood, was awarded Honorable Mention at Art of the State: Pennsylvania 2014.
In Time was one of only 122 pieces selected from nearly 1,800 entries. The clock's unique design is accented by many curved elements and four small, vertically arranged drawers hidden behind a coopered door.
In it’s 47th year, Art of the State is recognized as the official, statewide juried competition for Pennsylvania artists. Presented at The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Art of the State has established a tradition of exhibiting highly creative art chosen by a distinguished panel of jurors.

Caché: A Chest of Drawers

This recently completed chest of drawers is made of curly maple, bubinga and rosewood. The drawer fronts are curved, a different radius for the right side versus left side, and the top and base are shaped to mirror the curves.
Why call it Caché? The pictures on any image to open a slideshow.