Drawers In A Bunch

All the drawer parts are ready for assembly, except the drawer bottoms. I'm working on them today.

Crisp, Clean Dovetails

Fitting and fine tuning the dovetails today. When it comes to dovetails, I've been pushing lately for really clean, precise work - crisp corners, well defined lines, zero gappage. I think that when these three drawers are finished, the effort will be visible.

Transferring The Pin Layout

After cleaning up the pins, I transfer them to the drawer sides using this setup. I'm working off of references, as usual. The bottoms of the drawer side & front are two of those references (these two faces should be flush). The other reference is the inside face of the drawer front, which is aligned with a scribed line on the inside face of the drawer side.

Greetings, From Livvie

My greeter this morning. Not so much of a shop dog these days because she hates noise (just the noise of the radio is too much). But she'll always take some lovin' when I run into the house for something.

Hand Cut Dovetails

It's time to dovetail the drawers. I'm starting on the drawer fronts (yes, pins first). When they're finished I'll transfer the layout to the drawer sides.