With both sets of dividers glued to just the case bottom, I'm starting on the miter joints. Again, one side at a time. The aluminum angle slip tenons are really great at registering the side to the top.
Beginning The Case Glue-up
The time has come to tackle the case glue-up. The first step was to pre glue the aluminum angle splines into just the top. Next, I glue just the dividers and bottom drawer guide to the case bottom, one side at a time. As usual, I'm breaking this assembly down into as many steps as I can, rather than trying to do the whole thing at once and make a mistake. Also, lots of prep and multiple dry runs.
Sweet Details
Test fitting the dividers. The front edges of the top and sides of the case have a slight round over. So the front edges of the front dividers have to be shaped to die into the case top at the miters. It's hard to see as everything is fairly subtle, but a pretty sweet detail.
Divide and Conquer
I misspoke in yesterday's post about the vertical dividers. Not all of them tenon into the top. The two front dividers join to the case top with miters. Here I'm test fitting one of those dividers to the top (which is upside down on my bench). A bit of fine tuning, but the results look good so far.
Teeny, Tiny Dividers
Working on some small-scale joinery. The four vertical dividers tenon into the top and bottom of the case. Everything is cut, just time to fine tune each tenon to its mating mortise.