

The last internal parts for the case of the chest of drawers. Lots of holes, slotted holes, slip tenons, sliding dovetails, mortises. A potpourri, if you will. 

A Milestone


The case of the chest of drawers is almost fully assembled. Here I'm glueing the second to last back board to the upper rear blade. Although it seems like completing the case assembly is close, the list of small (but necessary) things to do to get there is not insignificant. But it is nice to be close.

A Teaching Moment


The 2018 workshop schedule at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship is out and I'll be there co-teaching the Basic Woodworking course July 30 to August 10 in wonderful Rockport, Maine.If you're considering taking a workshop at the CFC, it would be great if you'd join me in July.

Livvie had to help carry in the mail today, which explains the wrinkle crinkles.

A Reminder


Gluing the splines in first. I started on the first spline using pva glue, but was immediately reminded why I've been moving away from pva: adding water to a well fit joint causes wood expansion, which changes the fit. Back to polyurethane, and a good reminder of why I made the switch.

Chest of Drawers, Deconstructed


Continuing on with assembly of the sides of the chest of drawers. Here are all of the individual parts, kind of an exploded view. Next up is to glue the splines into the panel.